Be the one they ask

Use our revolutionary tool to understand your market even better

Try Picasi now

Faster insight

Better decisions

More recognition

A womand that finds her market too noisy.
Don't drown in the noise
Your market's noise is exhausting.

It's hard to find the relevant nuggets.

But don’t be held back.

You can tackle it.
Take back control with Picasi
Always be up-to-date by having an eye on your market's communication.
Stay up-to-date
Don’t miss any important updates from your market
Make better decisions by having profound insight into the market.
Make better decisions
Gain a quick overview with tailored aggregations of insight
Gain recognition by always being the first to know and share.
Gain recognition
Impress others by being the first to share new insight
Picasi provides tailored market insight
The Unified inbox shows the content other market players publish in your market.

The Unified Inbox

All your market’s updates in one place - across channels.
Die Portfolio-Matrix eines wachstumsorientierten Unternehmens

The Communication Matrix

An overview of all your market’s topics - across market players.
The Roundup email shows the summary of a weeks content from your market.

The Roundup

An email summary for your quick read - across the market.

We care about your market insight

That's why we make the market speak to you.

To do so, we developed Topic Mapping, a method for businesses to understand their markets better without overwhelm.

Turn from uninformed unknowns to recognized experts.
Helge and Karsten invented Portfolio Mapping to help other companies realize their growth potential
Your Instant Insight Plan
Name 3+ competitors
Name 5+ topics
Get yourself a coffee
Gain insight

Stop drowning in the noise.
Start gaining insight.

Many professionals and companies struggle to learn from the market. It's too noisy, so they prefer not to listen at all. But the market is talking to you. You need to change the way you listen.

That's why we developed a new way to make your market's communication more approachable. We gather it, put it into buckets, and help you keep an overview without overwhelm.
Read more ...
You don't have to spend hours each day browsing the market's communication to stay up-to-date. Technology can help you find, aggregate, and even summarize the most important insight for you. By leveraging tools, you can easily stay up-to-date.

This is getting even more important as information and insight are major success factors in a world with an exploding mass of content nuggets of very different quality.

Let us guide you with our tools. We'll serve you by gathering the right information and delivering it in a way you can use. Because the right insight at hand can make you unstoppable. 

Give it a shot. Start today and gain more insight.
Be the one they ask. With systematic market insight.
Picasi Logo
Market insight is crucial for businesses. It's the basis for profound decisions and solid growth. But the daily flood of information makes it more difficult to keep an overview. 

That's why we invent and improve methods to help businesses gain insight to succeed in their markets.

Let us know if you're striving for more insight in less time. We'd love to help you.


- Picasi GmbH